Department of Mathematics

University of Luxembourg

Office: MNO, E06 0625-020

Email: didac.martinezgranado AT

Address: Maison Du Nombre, 6, Avenue de la Fonte, L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette

I am postdoc at the University of Luxembourg/NUS Singapore, in the group of Jean-Marc Schlenker.

Before that I was a Krener Assistant Professor (postdoc) at University of California, Davis, working with Michael Kapovich.

I obtained my Ph.D. in May 2020 at Indiana University, Bloomington, under supervision of Dylan Thurston.

Here's my CV.

My research interests are in the fields low-dimensional topology, hyperbolic geometry, and Bers-Teichmüller theory. More details here.

I care about equity in mathematics. Together with James Hughes, at UC Davis, I organized reading groups on equity in mathematics as well as non-European mathematics. I subscribe to Federico Ardila's principles.

I also like teaching. In particular, I enjoy contributing to math mentoring programs that offer innovative and inclusive teaching environments. See Mentoring and Outreach for more details.

I graduated from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona with a double major in Math and Physics (2013), and a MSc in Math from Cambridge University (2014).